Vehicle Sentry
Vehicle Sentry is a RFID based Vehicle Movement Tracking System that keeps track of your vehicle even when you are far, far away.

With Vehicle Sentry, get alerts whenever your vehicle moves in/out of the Building. "Smart lock" your vehicle from phone and prevent attempt to take the vehicle out the building gates.

Being fully integrated with the ApnaComplex's cloud platform, there is no need to depend on manual verification of vehicle stickers, as the RFID cards installed in the vehicles of society members are read by the RFID Readers installed at the gates of your society.

ApnaComplex's proprietary custom hardware called "Sentry Controller" acts as gateway between the ApnaComplex Cloud and RFID Readers, enabling centeralized database of vehicles and access control.

The Sentry Controller shall alert via audio-visual clues or can be integrated with boom barriers as well, for extra security measures.
ApnaComplex Vehicle Sentry Demo

Join us in making “Vehicle Theft” a thing of past.
Get Vehicle Sentry for Your Society
A cost-effective medium to staying alert and receiving quick, real time alerts from your vehicle.